mavsdk::Mission Class Reference ​
#include: mission.h
Enable waypoint missions.
Data Structures ​
struct MissionItem
struct MissionPlan
struct MissionProgress
struct ProgressData
struct ProgressDataOrMission
Public Types ​
Type | Description |
enum Result | Possible results returned for action requests. |
std::function< void(Result)> ResultCallback | Callback type for asynchronous Mission calls. |
std::function< void(Result, ProgressData)> UploadMissionWithProgressCallback | Callback type for upload_mission_with_progress_async. |
std::function< void(Result, MissionPlan)> DownloadMissionCallback | Callback type for download_mission_async. |
std::function< void(Result, ProgressDataOrMission)> DownloadMissionWithProgressCallback | Callback type for download_mission_with_progress_async. |
std::function< void(MissionProgress)> MissionProgressCallback | Callback type for subscribe_mission_progress. |
Handle< MissionProgress > MissionProgressHandle | Handle type for subscribe_mission_progress. |
Public Member Functions ​
Type | Name | Description |
Mission (System & system) | Constructor. Creates the plugin for a specific System. | |
Mission (std::shared_ptr< System > system) | Constructor. Creates the plugin for a specific System. | |
~Mission () override | Destructor (internal use only). | |
Mission (const Mission & other) | Copy constructor. | |
void | upload_mission_async (MissionPlan mission_plan, const ResultCallback callback) | Upload a list of mission items to the system. |
Result | upload_mission (MissionPlan mission_plan)const | Upload a list of mission items to the system. |
void | upload_mission_with_progress_async (MissionPlan mission_plan, const UploadMissionWithProgressCallback & callback) | Upload a list of mission items to the system and report upload progress. |
Result | cancel_mission_upload () const | Cancel an ongoing mission upload. |
void | download_mission_async (const DownloadMissionCallback callback) | Download a list of mission items from the system (asynchronous). |
std::pair< Result, Mission::MissionPlan > | download_mission () const | Download a list of mission items from the system (asynchronous). |
void | download_mission_with_progress_async (const DownloadMissionWithProgressCallback & callback) | Download a list of mission items from the system (asynchronous) and report progress. |
Result | cancel_mission_download () const | Cancel an ongoing mission download. |
void | start_mission_async (const ResultCallback callback) | Start the mission. |
Result | start_mission () const | Start the mission. |
void | pause_mission_async (const ResultCallback callback) | Pause the mission. |
Result | pause_mission () const | Pause the mission. |
void | clear_mission_async (const ResultCallback callback) | Clear the mission saved on the vehicle. |
Result | clear_mission () const | Clear the mission saved on the vehicle. |
void | set_current_mission_item_async (int32_t index, const ResultCallback callback) | Sets the mission item index to go to. |
Result | set_current_mission_item (int32_t index)const | Sets the mission item index to go to. |
std::pair< Result, bool > | is_mission_finished () const | Check if the mission has been finished. |
MissionProgressHandle | subscribe_mission_progress (const MissionProgressCallback & callback) | Subscribe to mission progress updates. |
void | unsubscribe_mission_progress (MissionProgressHandle handle) | Unsubscribe from subscribe_mission_progress. |
MissionProgress | mission_progress () const | Poll for 'MissionProgress' (blocking). |
std::pair< Result, bool > | get_return_to_launch_after_mission () const | Get whether to trigger Return-to-Launch (RTL) after mission is complete. |
Result | set_return_to_launch_after_mission (bool enable)const | Set whether to trigger Return-to-Launch (RTL) after the mission is complete. |
const Mission & | operator= (const Mission &)=delete | Equality operator (object is not copyable). |
Constructor & Destructor Documentation ​
Mission() ​
mavsdk::Mission::Mission(System &system)
Constructor. Creates the plugin for a specific System.
The plugin is typically created as shown below:
auto mission = Mission(system);
- System& system - The specific system associated with this plugin.
Mission() ​
mavsdk::Mission::Mission(std::shared_ptr< System > system)
Constructor. Creates the plugin for a specific System.
The plugin is typically created as shown below:
auto mission = Mission(system);
- std::shared_ptr< System > system - The specific system associated with this plugin.
~Mission() ​
mavsdk::Mission::~Mission() override
Destructor (internal use only).
Mission() ​
mavsdk::Mission::Mission(const Mission &other)
Copy constructor.
- const Mission& other -
Member Typdef Documentation ​
typedef ResultCallback ​
using mavsdk::Mission::ResultCallback = std::function<void(Result)>
Callback type for asynchronous Mission calls.
typedef UploadMissionWithProgressCallback ​
using mavsdk::Mission::UploadMissionWithProgressCallback = std::function<void(Result, ProgressData)>
Callback type for upload_mission_with_progress_async.
typedef DownloadMissionCallback ​
using mavsdk::Mission::DownloadMissionCallback = std::function<void(Result, MissionPlan)>
Callback type for download_mission_async.
typedef DownloadMissionWithProgressCallback ​
using mavsdk::Mission::DownloadMissionWithProgressCallback = std::function<void(Result, ProgressDataOrMission)>
Callback type for download_mission_with_progress_async.
typedef MissionProgressCallback ​
using mavsdk::Mission::MissionProgressCallback = std::function<void(MissionProgress)>
Callback type for subscribe_mission_progress.
typedef MissionProgressHandle ​
using mavsdk::Mission::MissionProgressHandle = Handle<MissionProgress>
Handle type for subscribe_mission_progress.
Member Enumeration Documentation ​
enum Result ​
Possible results returned for action requests.
Value | Description |
Unknown | Unknown result. |
Success | Request succeeded. |
Error | Error. |
TooManyMissionItems | Too many mission items in the mission. |
Busy | Vehicle is busy. |
Timeout | Request timed out. |
InvalidArgument | Invalid argument. |
Unsupported | Mission downloaded from the system is not supported. |
NoMissionAvailable | No mission available on the system. |
UnsupportedMissionCmd | Unsupported mission command. |
TransferCancelled | Mission transfer (upload or download) has been cancelled. |
NoSystem | No system connected. |
Next | Intermediate message showing progress. |
Denied | Request denied. |
ProtocolError | There was a protocol error. |
IntMessagesNotSupported | The system does not support the MISSION_INT protocol. |
Member Function Documentation ​
upload_mission_async() ​
void mavsdk::Mission::upload_mission_async(MissionPlan mission_plan, const ResultCallback callback)
Upload a list of mission items to the system.
The mission items are uploaded to a drone. Once uploaded the mission can be started and executed even if the connection is lost.
This function is non-blocking. See 'upload_mission' for the blocking counterpart.
- MissionPlan mission_plan -
- const ResultCallback callback -
upload_mission() ​
Result mavsdk::Mission::upload_mission(MissionPlan mission_plan) const
Upload a list of mission items to the system.
The mission items are uploaded to a drone. Once uploaded the mission can be started and executed even if the connection is lost.
This function is blocking. See 'upload_mission_async' for the non-blocking counterpart.
- MissionPlan mission_plan -
 Result - Result of request.
upload_mission_with_progress_async() ​
void mavsdk::Mission::upload_mission_with_progress_async(MissionPlan mission_plan, const UploadMissionWithProgressCallback &callback)
Upload a list of mission items to the system and report upload progress.
The mission items are uploaded to a drone. Once uploaded the mission can be started and executed even if the connection is lost.
- MissionPlan mission_plan -
- const UploadMissionWithProgressCallback& callback -
cancel_mission_upload() ​
Result mavsdk::Mission::cancel_mission_upload() const
Cancel an ongoing mission upload.
This function is blocking.
 Result - Result of request.
download_mission_async() ​
void mavsdk::Mission::download_mission_async(const DownloadMissionCallback callback)
Download a list of mission items from the system (asynchronous).
Will fail if any of the downloaded mission items are not supported by the MAVSDK API.
This function is non-blocking. See 'download_mission' for the blocking counterpart.
- const DownloadMissionCallback callback -
download_mission() ​
std::pair< Result, Mission::MissionPlan > mavsdk::Mission::download_mission() const
Download a list of mission items from the system (asynchronous).
Will fail if any of the downloaded mission items are not supported by the MAVSDK API.
This function is blocking. See 'download_mission_async' for the non-blocking counterpart.
 std::pair< Result, Mission::MissionPlan > - Result of request.
download_mission_with_progress_async() ​
void mavsdk::Mission::download_mission_with_progress_async(const DownloadMissionWithProgressCallback &callback)
Download a list of mission items from the system (asynchronous) and report progress.
Will fail if any of the downloaded mission items are not supported by the MAVSDK API.
- const DownloadMissionWithProgressCallback& callback -
cancel_mission_download() ​
Result mavsdk::Mission::cancel_mission_download() const
Cancel an ongoing mission download.
This function is blocking.
 Result - Result of request.
start_mission_async() ​
void mavsdk::Mission::start_mission_async(const ResultCallback callback)
Start the mission.
A mission must be uploaded to the vehicle before this can be called.
This function is non-blocking. See 'start_mission' for the blocking counterpart.
- const ResultCallback callback -
start_mission() ​
Result mavsdk::Mission::start_mission() const
Start the mission.
A mission must be uploaded to the vehicle before this can be called.
This function is blocking. See 'start_mission_async' for the non-blocking counterpart.
 Result - Result of request.
pause_mission_async() ​
void mavsdk::Mission::pause_mission_async(const ResultCallback callback)
Pause the mission.
Pausing the mission puts the vehicle into HOLD mode. A multicopter should just hover at the spot while a fixedwing vehicle should loiter around the location where it paused.
This function is non-blocking. See 'pause_mission' for the blocking counterpart.
- const ResultCallback callback -
pause_mission() ​
Result mavsdk::Mission::pause_mission() const
Pause the mission.
Pausing the mission puts the vehicle into HOLD mode. A multicopter should just hover at the spot while a fixedwing vehicle should loiter around the location where it paused.
This function is blocking. See 'pause_mission_async' for the non-blocking counterpart.
 Result - Result of request.
clear_mission_async() ​
void mavsdk::Mission::clear_mission_async(const ResultCallback callback)
Clear the mission saved on the vehicle.
This function is non-blocking. See 'clear_mission' for the blocking counterpart.
- const ResultCallback callback -
clear_mission() ​
Result mavsdk::Mission::clear_mission() const
Clear the mission saved on the vehicle.
This function is blocking. See 'clear_mission_async' for the non-blocking counterpart.
 Result - Result of request.
set_current_mission_item_async() ​
void mavsdk::Mission::set_current_mission_item_async(int32_t index, const ResultCallback callback)
Sets the mission item index to go to.
By setting the current index to 0, the mission is restarted from the beginning. If it is set to a specific index of a mission item, the mission will be set to this item.
Note that this is not necessarily true for general missions using MAVLink if loop counters are used.
This function is non-blocking. See 'set_current_mission_item' for the blocking counterpart.
- int32_t index -
- const ResultCallback callback -
set_current_mission_item() ​
Result mavsdk::Mission::set_current_mission_item(int32_t index) const
Sets the mission item index to go to.
By setting the current index to 0, the mission is restarted from the beginning. If it is set to a specific index of a mission item, the mission will be set to this item.
Note that this is not necessarily true for general missions using MAVLink if loop counters are used.
This function is blocking. See 'set_current_mission_item_async' for the non-blocking counterpart.
- int32_t index -
 Result - Result of request.
is_mission_finished() ​
std::pair< Result, bool > mavsdk::Mission::is_mission_finished() const
Check if the mission has been finished.
This function is blocking.
 std::pair< Result, bool > - Result of request.
subscribe_mission_progress() ​
MissionProgressHandle mavsdk::Mission::subscribe_mission_progress(const MissionProgressCallback &callback)
Subscribe to mission progress updates.
- const MissionProgressCallback& callback -
unsubscribe_mission_progress() ​
void mavsdk::Mission::unsubscribe_mission_progress(MissionProgressHandle handle)
Unsubscribe from subscribe_mission_progress.
- MissionProgressHandle handle -
mission_progress() ​
MissionProgress mavsdk::Mission::mission_progress() const
Poll for 'MissionProgress' (blocking).
 MissionProgress - One MissionProgress update.
get_return_to_launch_after_mission() ​
std::pair< Result, bool > mavsdk::Mission::get_return_to_launch_after_mission() const
Get whether to trigger Return-to-Launch (RTL) after mission is complete.
Before getting this option, it needs to be set, or a mission needs to be downloaded.
This function is blocking.
 std::pair< Result, bool > - Result of request.
set_return_to_launch_after_mission() ​
Result mavsdk::Mission::set_return_to_launch_after_mission(bool enable) const
Set whether to trigger Return-to-Launch (RTL) after the mission is complete.
This will only take effect for the next mission upload, meaning that the mission may have to be uploaded again.
This function is blocking.
- bool enable -
 Result - Result of request.
operator=() ​
const Mission & mavsdk::Mission::operator=(const Mission &)=delete
Equality operator (object is not copyable).
- const Mission& -
 const Mission & -