Example: Takeoff and Land ​
This simple example shows the basic use of many MAVSDK features.
It sets up a UDP connection, waits for a vehicle (system) to appear, arms it, and commands it to takeoff. After a short wait the vehicle lands. While flying the vehicle receives telemetry. The example is implemented in C++ (only).
The full source code for the example can be found here.
Running the Example ​
The example is built and run as described here (the standard way).
The example terminal output should be similar to that shown below:
This is from a debug build of the SDK. A release build will omit the "Debug" messages.
$ ./takeoff_and_land udpin://
Waiting to discover system...
[06:40:03|Info ] New device on: (udp_connection.cpp:208)
[06:40:03|Debug] New: System ID: 1 Comp ID: 1 (dronecode_sdk_impl.cpp:292)
[06:40:03|Debug] Component Autopilot added. (system_impl.cpp:339)
[06:40:03|Debug] MAVLink: info: [logger] file: rootfs/fs/microsd/log/2018-07-09/0 (system_impl.cpp:277)
[06:40:04|Debug] Found 1 component(s). (system_impl.cpp:466)
[06:40:04|Debug] Discovered 4294967298 (system_impl.cpp:468)
Discovered system with UUID: 4294967298
Vehicle is getting ready to arm
Altitude: -0.004 m
Vehicle is getting ready to arm
Altitude: -0.007 m
[06:40:07|Debug] MAVLink: info: ARMED by arm/disarm component command (system_impl.cpp:277)
Taking off...
[06:40:07|Debug] MAVLink: info: Using minimum takeoff altitude: 2.50 m (system_impl.cpp:277)
[06:40:07|Debug] MAVLink: info: Takeoff detected (system_impl.cpp:277)
[06:40:07|Debug] MAVLink: critical: Using minimum takeoff altitude: 2.50 m (system_impl.cpp:277)
Altitude: 0.96 m
Altitude: 2.044 m
Altitude: 2.381 m
Altitude: 2.502 m
Altitude: 2.5 m
[06:40:17|Debug] MAVLink: info: Landing at current position (system_impl.cpp:277)
Altitude: 1.934 m
Altitude: 1.208 m
Altitude: -0.524 m
Source code ​
The full source code for the example can be found on Github here.