mavsdk::CameraServer Class Reference ​
#include: camera_server.h
Provides handling of camera trigger commands.
Data Structures ​
struct CaptureInfo
struct CaptureStatus
struct Information
struct Position
struct Quaternion
struct StorageInformation
struct VideoStreaming
Public Types ​
Type | Description |
enum CameraFeedback | Possible feedback results for camera respond command. |
enum Mode | Camera mode type. |
enum Result | Possible results returned for action requests. |
std::function< void(Result)> ResultCallback | Callback type for asynchronous CameraServer calls. |
std::function< void(int32_t)> TakePhotoCallback | Callback type for subscribe_take_photo. |
Handle< int32_t > TakePhotoHandle | Handle type for subscribe_take_photo. |
std::function< void(int32_t)> StartVideoCallback | Callback type for subscribe_start_video. |
Handle< int32_t > StartVideoHandle | Handle type for subscribe_start_video. |
std::function< void(int32_t)> StopVideoCallback | Callback type for subscribe_stop_video. |
Handle< int32_t > StopVideoHandle | Handle type for subscribe_stop_video. |
std::function< void(int32_t)> StartVideoStreamingCallback | Callback type for subscribe_start_video_streaming. |
Handle< int32_t > StartVideoStreamingHandle | Handle type for subscribe_start_video_streaming. |
std::function< void(int32_t)> StopVideoStreamingCallback | Callback type for subscribe_stop_video_streaming. |
Handle< int32_t > StopVideoStreamingHandle | Handle type for subscribe_stop_video_streaming. |
std::function< void(Mode)> SetModeCallback | Callback type for subscribe_set_mode. |
Handle< Mode > SetModeHandle | Handle type for subscribe_set_mode. |
std::function< void(int32_t)> StorageInformationCallback | Callback type for subscribe_storage_information. |
Handle< int32_t > StorageInformationHandle | Handle type for subscribe_storage_information. |
std::function< void(int32_t)> CaptureStatusCallback | Callback type for subscribe_capture_status. |
Handle< int32_t > CaptureStatusHandle | Handle type for subscribe_capture_status. |
std::function< void(int32_t)> FormatStorageCallback | Callback type for subscribe_format_storage. |
Handle< int32_t > FormatStorageHandle | Handle type for subscribe_format_storage. |
std::function< void(int32_t)> ResetSettingsCallback | Callback type for subscribe_reset_settings. |
Handle< int32_t > ResetSettingsHandle | Handle type for subscribe_reset_settings. |
Public Member Functions ​
Type | Name | Description |
 | CameraServer (std::shared_ptr< ServerComponent > server_component) | Constructor. Creates the plugin for a ServerComponent instance. |
 | ~CameraServer () override | Destructor (internal use only). |
 | CameraServer (const CameraServer & other) | Copy constructor. |
Result | set_information (Information information)const | Sets the camera information. This must be called as soon as the camera server is created. |
Result | set_video_streaming (VideoStreaming video_streaming)const | Sets video streaming settings. |
Result | set_in_progress (bool in_progress)const | Sets image capture in progress status flags. This should be set to true when the camera is busy taking a photo and false when it is done. |
TakePhotoHandle | subscribe_take_photo (const TakePhotoCallback & callback) | Subscribe to image capture requests. Each request received should respond to using RespondTakePhoto. |
void | unsubscribe_take_photo (TakePhotoHandle handle) | Unsubscribe from subscribe_take_photo. |
Result | respond_take_photo (CameraFeedback take_photo_feedback, CaptureInfo capture_info)const | Respond to an image capture request from SubscribeTakePhoto. |
StartVideoHandle | subscribe_start_video (const StartVideoCallback & callback) | Subscribe to start video requests. Each request received should respond to using RespondStartVideo. |
void | unsubscribe_start_video (StartVideoHandle handle) | Unsubscribe from subscribe_start_video. |
Result | respond_start_video (CameraFeedback start_video_feedback)const | Subscribe to stop video requests. Each request received should respond using StopVideoResponse. |
StopVideoHandle | subscribe_stop_video (const StopVideoCallback & callback) | Subscribe to stop video requests. Each request received should response to using RespondStopVideo. |
void | unsubscribe_stop_video (StopVideoHandle handle) | Unsubscribe from subscribe_stop_video. |
Result | respond_stop_video (CameraFeedback stop_video_feedback)const | Respond to stop video request from SubscribeStopVideo. |
StartVideoStreamingHandle | subscribe_start_video_streaming (const StartVideoStreamingCallback & callback) | Subscribe to start video streaming requests. Each request received should response to using RespondStartVideoStreaming. |
void | unsubscribe_start_video_streaming (StartVideoStreamingHandle handle) | Unsubscribe from subscribe_start_video_streaming. |
Result | respond_start_video_streaming (CameraFeedback start_video_streaming_feedback)const | Respond to start video streaming from SubscribeStartVideoStreaming. |
StopVideoStreamingHandle | subscribe_stop_video_streaming (const StopVideoStreamingCallback & callback) | Subscribe to stop video streaming requests. Each request received should response to using RespondStopVideoStreaming. |
void | unsubscribe_stop_video_streaming (StopVideoStreamingHandle handle) | Unsubscribe from subscribe_stop_video_streaming. |
Result | respond_stop_video_streaming (CameraFeedback stop_video_streaming_feedback)const | Respond to stop video streaming from SubscribeStopVideoStreaming. |
SetModeHandle | subscribe_set_mode (const SetModeCallback & callback) | Subscribe to set camera mode requests. Each request received should response to using RespondSetMode. |
void | unsubscribe_set_mode (SetModeHandle handle) | Unsubscribe from subscribe_set_mode. |
Result | respond_set_mode (CameraFeedback set_mode_feedback)const | Respond to set camera mode from SubscribeSetMode. |
StorageInformationHandle | subscribe_storage_information (const StorageInformationCallback & callback) | Subscribe to camera storage information requests. Each request received should response to using RespondStorageInformation. |
void | unsubscribe_storage_information (StorageInformationHandle handle) | Unsubscribe from subscribe_storage_information. |
Result | respond_storage_information (CameraFeedback storage_information_feedback, StorageInformation storage_information)const | Respond to camera storage information from SubscribeStorageInformation. |
CaptureStatusHandle | subscribe_capture_status (const CaptureStatusCallback & callback) | Subscribe to camera capture status requests. Each request received should response to using RespondCaptureStatus. |
void | unsubscribe_capture_status (CaptureStatusHandle handle) | Unsubscribe from subscribe_capture_status. |
Result | respond_capture_status (CameraFeedback capture_status_feedback, CaptureStatus capture_status)const | Respond to camera capture status from SubscribeCaptureStatus. |
FormatStorageHandle | subscribe_format_storage (const FormatStorageCallback & callback) | Subscribe to format storage requests. Each request received should response to using RespondFormatStorage. |
void | unsubscribe_format_storage (FormatStorageHandle handle) | Unsubscribe from subscribe_format_storage. |
Result | respond_format_storage (CameraFeedback format_storage_feedback)const | Respond to format storage from SubscribeFormatStorage. |
ResetSettingsHandle | subscribe_reset_settings (const ResetSettingsCallback & callback) | Subscribe to reset settings requests. Each request received should response to using RespondResetSettings. |
void | unsubscribe_reset_settings (ResetSettingsHandle handle) | Unsubscribe from subscribe_reset_settings. |
Result | respond_reset_settings (CameraFeedback reset_settings_feedback)const | Respond to reset settings from SubscribeResetSettings. |
const CameraServer & | operator= (const CameraServer &)=delete | Equality operator (object is not copyable). |
Constructor & Destructor Documentation ​
CameraServer() ​
mavsdk::CameraServer::CameraServer(std::shared_ptr< ServerComponent > server_component)
Constructor. Creates the plugin for a ServerComponent instance.
The plugin is typically created as shown below:
auto camera_server = CameraServer(server_component);
- std::shared_ptr< ServerComponent > server_component - The ServerComponent instance associated with this server plugin.
~CameraServer() ​
mavsdk::CameraServer::~CameraServer() override
Destructor (internal use only).
CameraServer() ​
mavsdk::CameraServer::CameraServer(const CameraServer &other)
Copy constructor.
- const CameraServer& other -
Member Typdef Documentation ​
typedef ResultCallback ​
using mavsdk::CameraServer::ResultCallback = std::function<void(Result)>
Callback type for asynchronous CameraServer calls.
typedef TakePhotoCallback ​
using mavsdk::CameraServer::TakePhotoCallback = std::function<void(int32_t)>
Callback type for subscribe_take_photo.
typedef TakePhotoHandle ​
using mavsdk::CameraServer::TakePhotoHandle = Handle<int32_t>
Handle type for subscribe_take_photo.
typedef StartVideoCallback ​
using mavsdk::CameraServer::StartVideoCallback = std::function<void(int32_t)>
Callback type for subscribe_start_video.
typedef StartVideoHandle ​
using mavsdk::CameraServer::StartVideoHandle = Handle<int32_t>
Handle type for subscribe_start_video.
typedef StopVideoCallback ​
using mavsdk::CameraServer::StopVideoCallback = std::function<void(int32_t)>
Callback type for subscribe_stop_video.
typedef StopVideoHandle ​
using mavsdk::CameraServer::StopVideoHandle = Handle<int32_t>
Handle type for subscribe_stop_video.
typedef StartVideoStreamingCallback ​
using mavsdk::CameraServer::StartVideoStreamingCallback = std::function<void(int32_t)>
Callback type for subscribe_start_video_streaming.
typedef StartVideoStreamingHandle ​
using mavsdk::CameraServer::StartVideoStreamingHandle = Handle<int32_t>
Handle type for subscribe_start_video_streaming.
typedef StopVideoStreamingCallback ​
using mavsdk::CameraServer::StopVideoStreamingCallback = std::function<void(int32_t)>
Callback type for subscribe_stop_video_streaming.
typedef StopVideoStreamingHandle ​
using mavsdk::CameraServer::StopVideoStreamingHandle = Handle<int32_t>
Handle type for subscribe_stop_video_streaming.
typedef SetModeCallback ​
using mavsdk::CameraServer::SetModeCallback = std::function<void(Mode)>
Callback type for subscribe_set_mode.
typedef SetModeHandle ​
using mavsdk::CameraServer::SetModeHandle = Handle<Mode>
Handle type for subscribe_set_mode.
typedef StorageInformationCallback ​
using mavsdk::CameraServer::StorageInformationCallback = std::function<void(int32_t)>
Callback type for subscribe_storage_information.
typedef StorageInformationHandle ​
using mavsdk::CameraServer::StorageInformationHandle = Handle<int32_t>
Handle type for subscribe_storage_information.
typedef CaptureStatusCallback ​
using mavsdk::CameraServer::CaptureStatusCallback = std::function<void(int32_t)>
Callback type for subscribe_capture_status.
typedef CaptureStatusHandle ​
using mavsdk::CameraServer::CaptureStatusHandle = Handle<int32_t>
Handle type for subscribe_capture_status.
typedef FormatStorageCallback ​
using mavsdk::CameraServer::FormatStorageCallback = std::function<void(int32_t)>
Callback type for subscribe_format_storage.
typedef FormatStorageHandle ​
using mavsdk::CameraServer::FormatStorageHandle = Handle<int32_t>
Handle type for subscribe_format_storage.
typedef ResetSettingsCallback ​
using mavsdk::CameraServer::ResetSettingsCallback = std::function<void(int32_t)>
Callback type for subscribe_reset_settings.
typedef ResetSettingsHandle ​
using mavsdk::CameraServer::ResetSettingsHandle = Handle<int32_t>
Handle type for subscribe_reset_settings.
Member Enumeration Documentation ​
enum CameraFeedback ​
Possible feedback results for camera respond command.
Value | Description |
Unknown | Unknown. |
Ok | Ok. |
Busy | Busy. |
Failed | Failed. |
enum Mode ​
Camera mode type.
Value | Description |
Unknown | Unknown mode. |
Photo | Photo mode. |
Video | Video mode. |
enum Result ​
Possible results returned for action requests.
Value | Description |
Unknown | Unknown result. |
Success | Command executed successfully. |
InProgress | Command in progress. |
Busy | Camera is busy and rejected command. |
Denied | Camera denied the command. |
Error | An error has occurred while executing the command. |
Timeout | Command timed out. |
WrongArgument | Command has wrong argument(s). |
NoSystem | No system connected. |
Member Function Documentation ​
set_information() ​
Result mavsdk::CameraServer::set_information(Information information) const
Sets the camera information. This must be called as soon as the camera server is created.
This function is blocking.
- Information information -
 Result - Result of request.
set_video_streaming() ​
Result mavsdk::CameraServer::set_video_streaming(VideoStreaming video_streaming) const
Sets video streaming settings.
This function is blocking.
- VideoStreaming video_streaming -
 Result - Result of request.
set_in_progress() ​
Result mavsdk::CameraServer::set_in_progress(bool in_progress) const
Sets image capture in progress status flags. This should be set to true when the camera is busy taking a photo and false when it is done.
This function is blocking.
- bool in_progress -
 Result - Result of request.
subscribe_take_photo() ​
TakePhotoHandle mavsdk::CameraServer::subscribe_take_photo(const TakePhotoCallback &callback)
Subscribe to image capture requests. Each request received should respond to using RespondTakePhoto.
- const TakePhotoCallback& callback -
 TakePhotoHandle -
unsubscribe_take_photo() ​
void mavsdk::CameraServer::unsubscribe_take_photo(TakePhotoHandle handle)
Unsubscribe from subscribe_take_photo.
- TakePhotoHandle handle -
respond_take_photo() ​
Result mavsdk::CameraServer::respond_take_photo(CameraFeedback take_photo_feedback, CaptureInfo capture_info) const
Respond to an image capture request from SubscribeTakePhoto.
This function is blocking.
- CameraFeedback take_photo_feedback -
- CaptureInfo capture_info -
 Result - Result of request.
subscribe_start_video() ​
StartVideoHandle mavsdk::CameraServer::subscribe_start_video(const StartVideoCallback &callback)
Subscribe to start video requests. Each request received should respond to using RespondStartVideo.
- const StartVideoCallback& callback -
 StartVideoHandle -
unsubscribe_start_video() ​
void mavsdk::CameraServer::unsubscribe_start_video(StartVideoHandle handle)
Unsubscribe from subscribe_start_video.
- StartVideoHandle handle -
respond_start_video() ​
Result mavsdk::CameraServer::respond_start_video(CameraFeedback start_video_feedback) const
Subscribe to stop video requests. Each request received should respond using StopVideoResponse.
This function is blocking.
- CameraFeedback start_video_feedback -
 Result - Result of request.
subscribe_stop_video() ​
StopVideoHandle mavsdk::CameraServer::subscribe_stop_video(const StopVideoCallback &callback)
Subscribe to stop video requests. Each request received should response to using RespondStopVideo.
- const StopVideoCallback& callback -
 StopVideoHandle -
unsubscribe_stop_video() ​
void mavsdk::CameraServer::unsubscribe_stop_video(StopVideoHandle handle)
Unsubscribe from subscribe_stop_video.
- StopVideoHandle handle -
respond_stop_video() ​
Result mavsdk::CameraServer::respond_stop_video(CameraFeedback stop_video_feedback) const
Respond to stop video request from SubscribeStopVideo.
This function is blocking.
- CameraFeedback stop_video_feedback -
 Result - Result of request.
subscribe_start_video_streaming() ​
StartVideoStreamingHandle mavsdk::CameraServer::subscribe_start_video_streaming(const StartVideoStreamingCallback &callback)
Subscribe to start video streaming requests. Each request received should response to using RespondStartVideoStreaming.
- const StartVideoStreamingCallback& callback -
 StartVideoStreamingHandle -
unsubscribe_start_video_streaming() ​
void mavsdk::CameraServer::unsubscribe_start_video_streaming(StartVideoStreamingHandle handle)
Unsubscribe from subscribe_start_video_streaming.
- StartVideoStreamingHandle handle -
respond_start_video_streaming() ​
Result mavsdk::CameraServer::respond_start_video_streaming(CameraFeedback start_video_streaming_feedback) const
Respond to start video streaming from SubscribeStartVideoStreaming.
This function is blocking.
- CameraFeedback start_video_streaming_feedback -
 Result - Result of request.
subscribe_stop_video_streaming() ​
StopVideoStreamingHandle mavsdk::CameraServer::subscribe_stop_video_streaming(const StopVideoStreamingCallback &callback)
Subscribe to stop video streaming requests. Each request received should response to using RespondStopVideoStreaming.
- const StopVideoStreamingCallback& callback -
unsubscribe_stop_video_streaming() ​
void mavsdk::CameraServer::unsubscribe_stop_video_streaming(StopVideoStreamingHandle handle)
Unsubscribe from subscribe_stop_video_streaming.
- StopVideoStreamingHandle handle -
respond_stop_video_streaming() ​
Result mavsdk::CameraServer::respond_stop_video_streaming(CameraFeedback stop_video_streaming_feedback) const
Respond to stop video streaming from SubscribeStopVideoStreaming.
This function is blocking.
- CameraFeedback stop_video_streaming_feedback -
 Result - Result of request.
subscribe_set_mode() ​
SetModeHandle mavsdk::CameraServer::subscribe_set_mode(const SetModeCallback &callback)
Subscribe to set camera mode requests. Each request received should response to using RespondSetMode.
- const SetModeCallback& callback -
 SetModeHandle -
unsubscribe_set_mode() ​
void mavsdk::CameraServer::unsubscribe_set_mode(SetModeHandle handle)
Unsubscribe from subscribe_set_mode.
- SetModeHandle handle -
respond_set_mode() ​
Result mavsdk::CameraServer::respond_set_mode(CameraFeedback set_mode_feedback) const
Respond to set camera mode from SubscribeSetMode.
This function is blocking.
- CameraFeedback set_mode_feedback -
 Result - Result of request.
subscribe_storage_information() ​
StorageInformationHandle mavsdk::CameraServer::subscribe_storage_information(const StorageInformationCallback &callback)
Subscribe to camera storage information requests. Each request received should response to using RespondStorageInformation.
- const StorageInformationCallback& callback -
unsubscribe_storage_information() ​
void mavsdk::CameraServer::unsubscribe_storage_information(StorageInformationHandle handle)
Unsubscribe from subscribe_storage_information.
- StorageInformationHandle handle -
respond_storage_information() ​
Result mavsdk::CameraServer::respond_storage_information(CameraFeedback storage_information_feedback, StorageInformation storage_information) const
Respond to camera storage information from SubscribeStorageInformation.
This function is blocking.
- CameraFeedback storage_information_feedback -
- StorageInformation storage_information -
 Result - Result of request.
subscribe_capture_status() ​
CaptureStatusHandle mavsdk::CameraServer::subscribe_capture_status(const CaptureStatusCallback &callback)
Subscribe to camera capture status requests. Each request received should response to using RespondCaptureStatus.
- const CaptureStatusCallback& callback -
 CaptureStatusHandle -
unsubscribe_capture_status() ​
void mavsdk::CameraServer::unsubscribe_capture_status(CaptureStatusHandle handle)
Unsubscribe from subscribe_capture_status.
- CaptureStatusHandle handle -
respond_capture_status() ​
Result mavsdk::CameraServer::respond_capture_status(CameraFeedback capture_status_feedback, CaptureStatus capture_status) const
Respond to camera capture status from SubscribeCaptureStatus.
This function is blocking.
- CameraFeedback capture_status_feedback -
- CaptureStatus capture_status -
 Result - Result of request.
subscribe_format_storage() ​
FormatStorageHandle mavsdk::CameraServer::subscribe_format_storage(const FormatStorageCallback &callback)
Subscribe to format storage requests. Each request received should response to using RespondFormatStorage.
- const FormatStorageCallback& callback -
 FormatStorageHandle -
unsubscribe_format_storage() ​
void mavsdk::CameraServer::unsubscribe_format_storage(FormatStorageHandle handle)
Unsubscribe from subscribe_format_storage.
- FormatStorageHandle handle -
respond_format_storage() ​
Result mavsdk::CameraServer::respond_format_storage(CameraFeedback format_storage_feedback) const
Respond to format storage from SubscribeFormatStorage.
This function is blocking.
- CameraFeedback format_storage_feedback -
 Result - Result of request.
subscribe_reset_settings() ​
ResetSettingsHandle mavsdk::CameraServer::subscribe_reset_settings(const ResetSettingsCallback &callback)
Subscribe to reset settings requests. Each request received should response to using RespondResetSettings.
- const ResetSettingsCallback& callback -
 ResetSettingsHandle -
unsubscribe_reset_settings() ​
void mavsdk::CameraServer::unsubscribe_reset_settings(ResetSettingsHandle handle)
Unsubscribe from subscribe_reset_settings.
- ResetSettingsHandle handle -
respond_reset_settings() ​
Result mavsdk::CameraServer::respond_reset_settings(CameraFeedback reset_settings_feedback) const
Respond to reset settings from SubscribeResetSettings.
This function is blocking.
- CameraFeedback reset_settings_feedback -
 Result - Result of request.
operator=() ​
const CameraServer& mavsdk::CameraServer::operator=(const CameraServer &)=delete
Equality operator (object is not copyable).
- const CameraServer& -
 const CameraServer & -