mavsdk::TelemetryServer::Odometry Struct Reference

#include: telemetry_server.h

Odometry message type.

Public Types

Type Description
enum MavFrame Mavlink frame id.

Data Fields

uint64_t time_usec {} - Timestamp (0 to use Backend timestamp).

MavFrame frame_id {} - Coordinate frame of reference for the pose data.

MavFrame child_frame_id {} - Coordinate frame of reference for the velocity in free space (twist) data.

PositionBody position_body {} - Position.

Quaternion q {} - Quaternion components, w, x, y, z (1 0 0 0 is the null-rotation).

VelocityBody velocity_body {} - Linear velocity (m/s).

AngularVelocityBody angular_velocity_body {} - Angular velocity (rad/s).

Covariance pose_covariance {} - Pose cross-covariance matrix.

Covariance velocity_covariance {} - Velocity cross-covariance matrix.

Member Enumeration Documentation

enum MavFrame

Mavlink frame id.

Value Description
Undef Frame is undefined..
BodyNed Setpoint in body NED frame. This makes sense if all position control is externalized - e.g. useful to command 2 m/s^2 acceleration to the right..
VisionNed Odometry local coordinate frame of data given by a vision estimation system, Z-down (x: north, y: east, z: down)..
EstimNed Odometry local coordinate frame of data given by an estimator running onboard the vehicle, Z-down (x: north, y: east, z: down)..

Field Documentation


uint64_t mavsdk::TelemetryServer::Odometry::time_usec {}

Timestamp (0 to use Backend timestamp).


MavFrame mavsdk::TelemetryServer::Odometry::frame_id {}

Coordinate frame of reference for the pose data.


MavFrame mavsdk::TelemetryServer::Odometry::child_frame_id {}

Coordinate frame of reference for the velocity in free space (twist) data.


PositionBody mavsdk::TelemetryServer::Odometry::position_body {}



Quaternion mavsdk::TelemetryServer::Odometry::q {}

Quaternion components, w, x, y, z (1 0 0 0 is the null-rotation).


VelocityBody mavsdk::TelemetryServer::Odometry::velocity_body {}

Linear velocity (m/s).


AngularVelocityBody mavsdk::TelemetryServer::Odometry::angular_velocity_body {}

Angular velocity (rad/s).


Covariance mavsdk::TelemetryServer::Odometry::pose_covariance {}

Pose cross-covariance matrix.


Covariance mavsdk::TelemetryServer::Odometry::velocity_covariance {}

Velocity cross-covariance matrix.

© MAVSDK Development Team 2017-2023. License: CC BY 4.0            Updated: 2023-12-27 03:58:12

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