mavsdk::FollowMe::Config Struct Reference

#include: follow_me.h

Configuration type.

Public Types

Type Description
enum FollowAltitudeMode Altitude mode to configure which altitude the follow me will assume the target to be at.

Data Fields

float follow_height_m { 8.0f} - [m] Follow height in meters (recommended minimum 8 meters)

float follow_distance_m {8.0f} - [m] Follow distance to target in meters (recommended minimum 4 meter)

float responsiveness {0.1f} - How responsive the vehicle is to the motion of the target, Lower value = More responsive (range 0.0 to 1.0)

FollowAltitudeMode altitude_mode {} - Follow Altitude control mode.

float max_tangential_vel_m_s { 8.0f} - [m/s] Maximum orbit tangential velocity relative to the target, in meters per second. Higher value = More aggressive follow angle tracking.

float follow_angle_deg { 180.0f} - [deg] Follow Angle relative to the target. 0 equals following in front of the target's direction. Angle increases in Clockwise direction, so following from right would be 90 degrees, from the left is -90 degrees, and so on.

Member Enumeration Documentation

enum FollowAltitudeMode

Altitude mode to configure which altitude the follow me will assume the target to be at.

Value Description
Constant Target assumed to be mobing at a constant altitude of home position (where the vehicle armed).
Terrain Target assumed to be at the terrain level sensed by the distance sensor.
TargetGps Target GPS altitude taken into account to do 3D tracking.

Field Documentation


float mavsdk::FollowMe::Config::follow_height_m { 8.0f}

[m] Follow height in meters (recommended minimum 8 meters)


float mavsdk::FollowMe::Config::follow_distance_m {8.0f}

[m] Follow distance to target in meters (recommended minimum 4 meter)


float mavsdk::FollowMe::Config::responsiveness {0.1f}

How responsive the vehicle is to the motion of the target, Lower value = More responsive (range 0.0 to 1.0)


FollowAltitudeMode mavsdk::FollowMe::Config::altitude_mode {}

Follow Altitude control mode.


float mavsdk::FollowMe::Config::max_tangential_vel_m_s { 8.0f}

[m/s] Maximum orbit tangential velocity relative to the target, in meters per second. Higher value = More aggressive follow angle tracking.


float mavsdk::FollowMe::Config::follow_angle_deg { 180.0f}

[deg] Follow Angle relative to the target. 0 equals following in front of the target's direction. Angle increases in Clockwise direction, so following from right would be 90 degrees, from the left is -90 degrees, and so on.

© MAVSDK Development Team 2017-2023. License: CC BY 4.0            Updated: 2023-12-27 03:58:12

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