
MAVSDK C++ is a library that can be installed and then used in your C++ code.

The latest release can be installed using prebuilt artefacts. If you need the latest state or want to debug the library itself, you need to build it from source.


  • Ubuntu: Download the .deb file for your system from MAVSDK releases and install it using dpkg:

    sudo dpkg -i mavsdk_0.37.0_ubuntu20.04_amd64.deb
  • Fedora: Download the .rpm file for your system from MAVSDK releases and install it using rpm:

     sudo rpm -U mavsdk-0.37.0-1.fc33-x86_64.rpm
  • Arch Linux: mavsdk is available from the AUR and can be installed e.g. using yay:

     yay -S mavsdk


MacOS: Install Homebrew and use it to install the library:

brew install mavsdk


For Windows you can download the file from MAVSDK releases containing the headers and library and extract it locally (see information how to use a locally installed library).

As the library is installed locally (in a local directory) you need to point cmake to that directory at configure time using CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH when building your application. i.e.: cmake -Bbuild -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=../mavsdk_extracted -H.

© Dronecode 2017-2020. License: CC BY 4.0            Updated: 2022-05-26 20:06:59

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