Example: Fly Mission

The Fly Mission example shows how to create, upload, and run, pause, and restart missions using the SDK.

Fly Mission QGC Screenshot

Running the Example

The example is built and run in the normal way (as described here).

The example terminal output should be similar to that shown below:

This is from a debug build of the SDK. A release build will omit the "Debug" messages.

$ ./fly_mission udp://:14540
Waiting to discover system...
[09:36:08|Info ] New device on: (udp_connection.cpp:208)
[09:36:08|Debug] New: System ID: 1 Comp ID: 1 (dronecode_sdk_impl.cpp:292)
[09:36:08|Debug] Component Autopilot added. (system_impl.cpp:339)
[09:36:08|Debug] MAVLink: info: [logger] file: rootfs/fs/microsd/log/2018-07-09/1 (system_impl.cpp:277)
[09:36:09|Debug] Found 1 component(s). (system_impl.cpp:466)
[09:36:09|Debug] Discovered 4294967298 (system_impl.cpp:468)
Discovered system with UUID: 4294967298
Waiting for system to be ready
System ready
Creating and uploading mission
Uploading mission...
[09:36:10|Debug] Send mission item 0 (mission_impl.cpp:898)
[09:36:10|Debug] Send mission item 1 (mission_impl.cpp:898)
[09:36:10|Debug] Send mission item 19 (mission_impl.cpp:898)
[09:36:10|Debug] Send mission item 20 (mission_impl.cpp:898)
[09:36:10|Debug] Send mission item 21 (mission_impl.cpp:898)
[09:36:10|Debug] Send mission item 22 (mission_impl.cpp:898)
[09:36:10|Info ] Mission accepted (mission_impl.cpp:163)
Mission uploaded.
[09:36:10|Debug] MAVLink: info: ARMED by arm/disarm component command (system_impl.cpp:277)
Starting mission.
Started mission.
Mission status update: 0 / 6
[09:36:10|Debug] MAVLink: info: Executing Mission (system_impl.cpp:277)
[09:36:10|Debug] MAVLink: info: Takeoff to 10.0 meters above home. (system_impl.cpp:277)
[09:36:10|Debug] MAVLink: info: Takeoff detected (system_impl.cpp:277)
Mission status update: 0 / 6
Mission status update: 0 / 6
Mission status update: 1 / 6
Mission status update: 1 / 6
Mission status update: 2 / 6
Mission status update: 2 / 6
Pausing mission...
Mission paused.
[09:36:28|Debug] MAVLink: critical: MANUAL CONTROL LOST (at t=41381ms) (system_impl.cpp:277)
[09:36:28|Debug] MAVLink: info: MANUAL CONTROL REGAINED after 541ms (system_impl.cpp:277)
Resuming mission...
Resumed mission.
Mission status update: 2 / 6
Mission status update: 2 / 6
Mission status update: 3 / 6
Mission status update: 3 / 6
Mission status update: Mission status update: 44 / 6 / 6

Mission status update: 4 / 6
Mission status update: 4 / 6
Mission status update: 5 / 6
Mission status update: 5 / 6
[09:37:00|Debug] MAVLink: info: Mission finished, loitering. (system_impl.cpp:277)
Mission status update: 6 / 6
Commanding RTL...
Commanded RTL.
[09:37:01|Debug] MAVLink: info: RTL HOME activated (system_impl.cpp:277)
[09:37:01|Debug] MAVLink: info: RTL: climb to 518 m (31 m above home) (system_impl.cpp:277)
[09:37:09|Debug] MAVLink: info: RTL: return at 518 m (31 m above home) (system_impl.cpp:277)
[09:37:16|Debug] MAVLink: info: RTL: descend to 493 m (5 m above home) (system_impl.cpp:277)
[09:37:41|Debug] MAVLink: info: RTL: loiter 5.0s (system_impl.cpp:277)
[09:37:46|Debug] MAVLink: info: RTL: land at home (system_impl.cpp:277)
[09:37:56|Debug] MAVLink: info: Landing detected (system_impl.cpp:277)
[09:37:59|Debug] MAVLink: info: DISARMED by auto disarm on land (system_impl.cpp:277)
Mission status update: 6 / 6
Disarmed, exiting.

How it works

The operation of most of this code is discussed in the guide: Missions.

Source code

© Dronecode 2017-2020. License: CC BY 4.0            Updated: 2021-02-25 07:36:00

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