mavsdk::Gimbal Class Reference

#include: gimbal.h

Provide control over a gimbal.

Public Types

Type Description
enum GimbalMode Gimbal mode type.
enum Result Possible results returned for gimbal commands.
std::function< void(Result)> ResultCallback Callback type for asynchronous Gimbal calls.

Public Member Functions

Type Name Description
  Gimbal (System & system) Constructor. Creates the plugin for a specific System.
  Gimbal (std::shared_ptr< System > system) Constructor. Creates the plugin for a specific System.
  ~Gimbal () Destructor (internal use only).
  Gimbal (const Gimbal & other) Copy constructor.
void set_pitch_and_yaw_async (float pitch_deg, float yaw_deg, const ResultCallback callback) Set gimbal pitch and yaw angles.
Result set_pitch_and_yaw (float pitch_deg, float yaw_deg)const Set gimbal pitch and yaw angles.
void set_mode_async (GimbalMode gimbal_mode, const ResultCallback callback) Set gimbal mode.
Result set_mode (GimbalMode gimbal_mode)const Set gimbal mode.
void set_roi_location_async (double latitude_deg, double longitude_deg, float altitude_m, const ResultCallback callback) Set gimbal region of interest (ROI).
Result set_roi_location (double latitude_deg, double longitude_deg, float altitude_m)const Set gimbal region of interest (ROI).
const Gimbal & operator= (const Gimbal &)=delete Equality operator (object is not copyable).

Constructor & Destructor Documentation


mavsdk::Gimbal::Gimbal(System &system)

Constructor. Creates the plugin for a specific System.

The plugin is typically created as shown below:

auto gimbal = Gimbal(system);


  • System& system - The specific system associated with this plugin.


mavsdk::Gimbal::Gimbal(std::shared_ptr< System > system)

Constructor. Creates the plugin for a specific System.

The plugin is typically created as shown below:

auto gimbal = Gimbal(system);


  • std::shared_ptr< System > system - The specific system associated with this plugin.



Destructor (internal use only).


mavsdk::Gimbal::Gimbal(const Gimbal &other)

Copy constructor.


Member Typdef Documentation

typedef ResultCallback

using mavsdk::Gimbal::ResultCallback =  std::function<void(Result)>

Callback type for asynchronous Gimbal calls.

Member Enumeration Documentation

enum GimbalMode

Gimbal mode type.

Value Description
YawFollow Yaw follow will point the gimbal to the vehicle heading.
YawLock Yaw lock will fix the gimbal poiting to an absolute direction.

enum Result

Possible results returned for gimbal commands.

Value Description
Unknown Unknown result.
Success Command was accepted.
Error Error occurred sending the command.
Timeout Command timed out.
Unsupported Functionality not supported.

Member Function Documentation


void mavsdk::Gimbal::set_pitch_and_yaw_async(float pitch_deg, float yaw_deg, const ResultCallback callback)

Set gimbal pitch and yaw angles.

This sets the desired pitch and yaw angles of a gimbal. Will return when the command is accepted, however, it might take the gimbal longer to actually be set to the new angles.

This function is non-blocking. See 'set_pitch_and_yaw' for the blocking counterpart.



Result mavsdk::Gimbal::set_pitch_and_yaw(float pitch_deg, float yaw_deg) const

Set gimbal pitch and yaw angles.

This sets the desired pitch and yaw angles of a gimbal. Will return when the command is accepted, however, it might take the gimbal longer to actually be set to the new angles.

This function is blocking. See 'set_pitch_and_yaw_async' for the non-blocking counterpart.


  • float pitch_deg -
  • float yaw_deg -


Result - Result of request.


void mavsdk::Gimbal::set_mode_async(GimbalMode gimbal_mode, const ResultCallback callback)

Set gimbal mode.

This sets the desired yaw mode of a gimbal. Will return when the command is accepted. However, it might take the gimbal longer to actually be set to the new angles.

This function is non-blocking. See 'set_mode' for the blocking counterpart.



Result mavsdk::Gimbal::set_mode(GimbalMode gimbal_mode) const

Set gimbal mode.

This sets the desired yaw mode of a gimbal. Will return when the command is accepted. However, it might take the gimbal longer to actually be set to the new angles.

This function is blocking. See 'set_mode_async' for the non-blocking counterpart.



Result - Result of request.


void mavsdk::Gimbal::set_roi_location_async(double latitude_deg, double longitude_deg, float altitude_m, const ResultCallback callback)

Set gimbal region of interest (ROI).

This sets a region of interest that the gimbal will point to. The gimbal will continue to point to the specified region until it receives a new command. The function will return when the command is accepted, however, it might take the gimbal longer to actually rotate to the ROI.

This function is non-blocking. See 'set_roi_location' for the blocking counterpart.


  • double latitude_deg -
  • double longitude_deg -
  • float altitude_m -
  • const ResultCallback callback -


Result mavsdk::Gimbal::set_roi_location(double latitude_deg, double longitude_deg, float altitude_m) const

Set gimbal region of interest (ROI).

This sets a region of interest that the gimbal will point to. The gimbal will continue to point to the specified region until it receives a new command. The function will return when the command is accepted, however, it might take the gimbal longer to actually rotate to the ROI.

This function is blocking. See 'set_roi_location_async' for the non-blocking counterpart.


  • double latitude_deg -
  • double longitude_deg -
  • float altitude_m -


Result - Result of request.


const Gimbal& mavsdk::Gimbal::operator=(const Gimbal &)=delete

Equality operator (object is not copyable).



 const Gimbal & -

© Dronecode 2017-2020. License: CC BY 4.0            Updated: 2020-11-25 14:26:15

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