mavsdk::Mocap::Odometry Struct Reference

#include: mocap.h

Odometry message to communicate odometry information with an external interface.

Public Types

Type Description
enum MavFrame Mavlink frame id.

Data Fields

uint64_t time_usec {} - Timestamp (0 to use Backend timestamp).

MavFrame frame_id {} - Coordinate frame of reference for the pose data.

PositionBody position_body {} - Body Position.

Quaternion q {} - Quaternion components, w, x, y, z (1 0 0 0 is the null-rotation).

SpeedBody speed_body {} - Linear speed (m/s).

AngularVelocityBody angular_velocity_body {} - Angular speed (rad/s).

Covariance pose_covariance {} - Pose cross-covariance matrix.

Covariance velocity_covariance {} - Velocity cross-covariance matrix.

Member Enumeration Documentation

enum MavFrame

Mavlink frame id.

Value Description
MocapNed MAVLink number: 14. Odometry local coordinate frame of data given by a motion capture system, Z-down (x: north, y: east, z: down)..
LocalFrd MAVLink number: 20. Forward, Right, Down coordinate frame. This is a local frame with Z-down and arbitrary F/R alignment (i.e. not aligned with NED/earth frame). Replacement for MAV_FRAME_MOCAP_NED, MAV_FRAME_VISION_NED, MAV_FRAME_ESTIM_NED..

Field Documentation


uint64_t mavsdk::Mocap::Odometry::time_usec {}

Timestamp (0 to use Backend timestamp).


MavFrame mavsdk::Mocap::Odometry::frame_id {}

Coordinate frame of reference for the pose data.


PositionBody mavsdk::Mocap::Odometry::position_body {}

Body Position.


Quaternion mavsdk::Mocap::Odometry::q {}

Quaternion components, w, x, y, z (1 0 0 0 is the null-rotation).


SpeedBody mavsdk::Mocap::Odometry::speed_body {}

Linear speed (m/s).


AngularVelocityBody mavsdk::Mocap::Odometry::angular_velocity_body {}

Angular speed (rad/s).


Covariance mavsdk::Mocap::Odometry::pose_covariance {}

Pose cross-covariance matrix.


Covariance mavsdk::Mocap::Odometry::velocity_covariance {}

Velocity cross-covariance matrix.

© Dronecode 2017-2019. License: CC BY 4.0            Updated: 2020-05-30 14:53:23

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