mavsdk::Mavsdk::Configuration Class Reference

#include: mavsdk.h

Stores the configured system id and component id of the MAVSDK instance.

Public Types

Type Description
enum UsageType UsageTypes of configurations, used for automatic ID setting.

Public Member Functions

Type Name Description
  Configuration (uint8_t system_id, uint8_t component_id) Create new Configuration via manually configured system and component ID.
  Configuration (UsageType usage_type) Create new Configuration using a usage type. In this mode, the system and component ID will be automatically chosen.
  ~Configuration ()
uint8_t get_system_id () const Get the system id of this configuration.
uint8_t get_component_id () const Get the component id of this configuration.
UsageType get_usage_type () const Usage type of this configuration, used for automatic ID set.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation


mavsdk::Mavsdk::Configuration::Configuration(uint8_t system_id, uint8_t component_id)

Create new Configuration via manually configured system and component ID.


  • uint8_t system_id - the system id to store in this configuration
  • uint8_t component_id - the component id to store in this configuration


mavsdk::Mavsdk::Configuration::Configuration(UsageType usage_type)

Create new Configuration using a usage type. In this mode, the system and component ID will be automatically chosen.


  • UsageType usage_type - the usage type, used for automatically choosing ids.



Member Enumeration Documentation

enum UsageType

UsageTypes of configurations, used for automatic ID setting.

Value Description
Autopilot SDK is used as an autopilot.
GroundStation SDK is used as a ground station.
CompanionComputer SDK is used as a companion computer on board the MAV.
Custom the SDK is used in a custom configuration, no automatic ID will be provided

Member Function Documentation


uint8_t mavsdk::Mavsdk::Configuration::get_system_id() const

Get the system id of this configuration.


 uint8_t - uint8_t the system id stored in this configuration, from 1-255


uint8_t mavsdk::Mavsdk::Configuration::get_component_id() const

Get the component id of this configuration.


 uint8_t - uint8_t the component id stored in this configuration,from 1-255


UsageType mavsdk::Mavsdk::Configuration::get_usage_type() const

Usage type of this configuration, used for automatic ID set.


UsageType -

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